Posts Tagged ‘hospital’

Sorry, I’ve been missing!

It was on Labor Day that I found I wasn’t feeling quite right. Well I was not only light-headed and slightly disoriented, but was having a screaming migraine headache.  So bad that it required me to cover my eyes to block out the light when I went outside for the trip to the Emergency Clinic.  Once there they covered my eyes with cool, damp cloths.  Then the shaking started.  I couldn’t control it no matter how hard I tried.

After calling in help to try to figure out what was happening to me, they all decided that I needed to go to the Emergency Room at the hospital for proper treatment.  I did after a quick glimpse from under the cloth noticed that I had two Ambulance staff there as well as two Firemen Paramedics, two Firemen, two doctors, three nurses, one intern and my wife!  So they loaded me up in the Ambulance and we were on the way with me blindfolded again.

Being a Vietnam vet, I wanted to go to the V.A.’s Emergency Room at their hospital.  Then I heard them tell my wife that I probably wouldn’t make it that far!!  Say what!  They told my wife that I was having cardiac troubles and needed care right away!  Then they asked me and I said, “Let’s go to the closer community hospital then.”  So we changed direction and I found myself in the local hospital’s emergency room soon after.

So after multiple doctors and nurses, a chest x-ray,  a Cat-scan, blood draws, injected meds and other such goings-on, they all made a decision and I was diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation.  So my heart goes thuh-thump alright, but every so often it decides to go much faster.  So now its been about three weeks and they are still trying to decide what the medicines are that they will prescribe for the condition.

The V.A. system isn’t known for its lightening speed but they get the job done and by the way, did I mention that my doctor has left the V.A.?  So I need not only new meds, but a new doctor as well.  Though I have to admit, the V.A. has been pretty good to me up till now and I’m sure that they will continue to give good service into the future.  Meanwhile it’s hurry-up and wait.  That sure do sound familiar. . . . .


Gov’mint at work again!

“Obama’s new health plan:  Striking out in one fresh direction that should have wide appeal, Obama would give federal regulators new powers over the insurance industry, a reaction to a rash of double-digit premium hikes that have infuriated policy holders in California and other states.”

Maybe I’m just a simple man, but has our government ever considered getting rid of the outlandish fees that doctors, hospitals and clinics charge us first? Then maybe the insurers won’t have a excuse reason for their ever increasing rates! My wife faints at work, they take her to the hospital emergency room for three hours. Result? Over $4,000.00!!  Insurance covers all but $380.00. That should have been the total bill in the first place. And what’s with a $750.00 ambulance bill to travel two miles? Next time it’s a taxi, it’s cheaper and just as fast! Enough already!
