Posts Tagged ‘Obamacare’

Obama, take the blame already!

As top dog for this country, as was before stated by a man holding your same office, he said: “The Buck Stops Here!”  Quit trying to pass the blame for anything and everything onto: Republicans, Tea Party, Libertarians, John Q. Public and anyone else that comes to your mind in hopes people will believe some of your B.S. hyperbole propaganda P.R. desperate cries for trusting in you once more!

You blew it!  You stated that “we” (the American voter/citizen) wanted the healthcare plan dubbed “Obamacare” by the citizenry of this great nation.  We said emphatically, “No we don’t!”  So you ram it down our throats anyway.  Now you say the “Public is ‘sold’ on tax increases. . .” and cuts in entitlements.   Again we say, “No we aren’t!!”   You said these are already a fact no matter what happens with the budget.

In the latest speeches about dealing with Boehner/Republicans, Obama said his only need for an agreement was legislation that provides the Treasury enough borrowing authority to tide the government over through the 2012 election.  Authority?  You mean Carte Blanche’.  And borrow how much?  One trillion dollars?  Ten?  Twenty?  That’s a piddling amount, right?  Why not make it fifty or even one-hundred trillion dollars!  That way there won’t be a man or woman in this country who could rub two coins together – or – stop the socialistic future you’re ramming down our throats once and for all!

Why?  Why isn’t it a “permanent” fix for balancing the budget once and for all?  Why just band-aid it till next year?  It’s time to fix our budget once and for all and then to keep it in balance.   Doesn’t matter if it takes five, ten or fifteen years, just do it already!  And will someone please take away Obama’s USA Credit Card!  We just can’t afford his (and his family’s) spending habits anymore.

Why does he only want it to tide over the government for one more year?  Because then he can start his new 2012 campaign with promises to balance our budget!!!  Either that or, he plans to become “dictator” by then and then can do pretty much as he wants with our economy!  Does the word “Socialism” come to mind?


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The Truth About Health Care

If you haven’t seen this yet, spend the 8 minutes to educate yourself on the Obamacare plan.  It should be of extreme interest to all.  Find it here.



I guess it’s like the latest “hit movie” being pushed on the television and radio, repeat it often enough and hopefully enough people will actually believe the hype!  The same thing that is being done around “Obamacare”.  Repeat it often and loud enough and maybe we’ll swallow that rhetoric also!  Enough already!
