Posts Tagged ‘Liberals’

No to the Wounded Warrior Project!

And this is why I will no longer give or support the WWP!  Here’s the link to “An Ordinary Texan” and the article on his blog that I’m speaking about. Here it is again in full, it should be especially of concern to any fellow Veterans and/or Gun-owners.  Please take the time to read this:


Some “Gun-Nut” Good News at Last!

I’m sure by now that all of us “gun-nuts” have heard the news about the current failure of the Conference on the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (U.N. ATT) if not, find it here.  While it might only delay the draft for another six months until after the election, it at least gives notice to these Washington idiots that we aren’t stupid enough to go along with the lame, liberal claims in support of this plan to ban guns totally.

After all, if the U. N. wants to ban guns elsewhere around the world it is one thing, but in trying to force this same belief on the American Public it is going to upset at least 110 million of us who firmly believe in the 2nd Amendment.  While even if Obama is somehow re-elected and he and his cronies manage to push the issue down our throats, I don’t think it will be readily accepted by the majority of us no matter what he says.  Am I a revolutionist?  No, not at all.  Just a realist.  But even with only half a brain since my stroke, I can read the writing on the wall of what might follow if such a Treaty came to pass.

And believe me when I say that Obama can read it too. He’s just hoping to get his “new-world” beliefs past us quickly at any cost before we finally stop his “messing with America”!  Remember his idea of a “Private Army” reporting directly to him  he spoke of in the past?  Why?  Because without them he would have no way of forcing his “plans” on us in the end and he knows it!

Do the words, “citizen-soldier” bring any thoughts to mind?  It should.  That was the idea of this Nation’s Minutemen.  Citizen’s grabbing their rifles, forming up and fighting this nation’s enemies.  The citizen-soldiers name came into being again with the “National Guard”, these same citizen-soldiers again facing combat in Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan and more!  Fighting for their homes, their families and their country.  Similarly the same can be found with our law enforcement personnel across the country in their protecting of our homes, families and country.

Would you think for a moment that if Obama told our troops and our law enforcement to start locking up or shooting honest citizens that refused to turn in their guns, that they would actually do it?  Turn their guns on their neighbors, even their own families, simply because they wouldn’t turn over their guns?  Maybe a few in the beginning, but then soon the tide would turn and they would no longer be able to enforce such madness.  I’d make book on it!  And this is why he needs his own army!  Meanwhile rejoice in the temporary defeat of this anti-gun treaty because it will be back in six months!  NRA, get ready again ’cause here they come!


Obama Burning The Constitution

One Nation Under Socialism by Jon McNaughton

By Jon McNaughton

Can’t say it any simpler then that!  We got to get him out of office.  May God Bless America and protect her from him!


Wyoming House advances doomsday bill

Wyoming House advances doomsday bill

CHEYENNE — State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States.

House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government.

The task force would look at the feasibility of

Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. And House members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown, R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyoming would need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.

Read more at the link here:

If you’ve read the first part of the above article, than like myself, you came to that last line about an aircraft carrier.  What?!!  An aircraft carrier in Wyoming?  Try telling Joe Public living there that they will have to increase his taxes to pay for it.  Think that is simple?

Then tell him about the other little charge.  The one charge required from him to also pay for . . .  you guessed it, a new inlet extending from Wyoming to the Pacific Ocean and the pier for it too!!!  God Almighty, please grant us some intelligence to pass on to our politicians, they need it so desperately!!


Pro-Pot Group Criticized Over Use of VFW Name & POW Flag

How many other brothers-in-arms were mad enough to spit nails? Weren’t it enough to p__s off the pope? Not only for devaluing the Veteran’s Of Foreign Wars Organization for what it has done for our Veterans, but for the earned respect for the POW-MIA Flag that many of our citizens show honor to daily.  To be treated as such!  Degraded just to promote drugs and there use. The article is from Military.Com and the first article HERE raised such a ruckus with the populace that they decided to back off a bit.  The second story from the same website tells us about that located HERE.  So what do you all think about this?


Our country’s next leaders.

Hair over the face and eyes, piercings in everything, tattoos all over, black fingernail polish, pants around the knees, the cuffs worn ragged from dragging on the ground and these are the young girls!!  Well . . . at least I think they’re female!  Remember folks, this generation will be your replacement???


Obama writes checks?

After reading this article at the, I had a question to ask Obama myself! In the book “Ten Letters” by Eli Saslow, Obama is quoted to saying he feels “pained” that he can’t “do more, faster, to make a difference in their [struggling Americans] lives”. He told the book’s author:

“Some of these letters you read and you say, ‘Gosh, I really want to help this person, and I may not have the tools to help them right now…And then you start thinking about the fact that for every one person that wrote describing their story, there might be another hundred thousand going through the same thing. So there are times when I‘m reading the letters and I feel pained that I can’t do more, faster, to make a difference in their lives.”

Now my question is this, if the person to blame for all the problems this country now faces “… can’t do more, faster, to make a difference in their lives.”, then who can? You pushed it down our throats but you “can’t do more”, or “make a difference”? And as to a hundred thousand going through the same thing, do you want to try for millions? It would definitely be more accurate of a guess. You started it Obama, you can fix it! If you wanted to. I’m thinking what he has done to this country causes him to, when he’s not on camera, have a great big belly laugh considering what he is getting away with on the American citizens. 2012 can’t get here soon enough!


AARP, again? Leave me alone!

Okay. I admit it. I am a current member of the AARP!  But hopefully, not much longer.  Now please let me explain.  I started getting “invites” to join at 38 years of age.  And they mailed me these invites three and four times a week up till now.  I checked around with friends, relatives and the like and they all agreed it was worth joining because of the discounts!  The many discounts!

Anyway, I joined four or five years ago at 57 years of age. (I know, I’m a slow joiner.)  It was some package deal of $12 for all this time and I can honestly tell you . . . . I can’t wait for the subscription to run out!  It expires in 2012, I believe.

Why do I want it to end?  Two reasons.  One, I have yet to find or use any of their so-called membership discounts.  And two, all being a member has done for me is to inundate me with daily (some twice-daily) come-ons and mailers for a multitude of insurance advertisements.  Everything from life to burial insurances.  I guess they’re trying to get our last retirement dollars before we pass on, or worse, give it to someone else in need like our offspring!

Oh, and there actually is a third reason I’m not renewing my membership with them and that is because they are devoted anti-gun nuts enthusiasts and support many of the current anti-gun laws being pushed down our throats by a certain prez and his cohorts in office.

But that is just my opinion and my way of showing AARP that I won’t condone their shenanigans by getting involved in this gun issue.  Meanwhile AARP, you’ve lost two more members (my wife and I) for good.  Now leave us alone and quit sending all your crap spam!

And may He forgive your spamming ways.


Obama, take the blame already!

As top dog for this country, as was before stated by a man holding your same office, he said: “The Buck Stops Here!”  Quit trying to pass the blame for anything and everything onto: Republicans, Tea Party, Libertarians, John Q. Public and anyone else that comes to your mind in hopes people will believe some of your B.S. hyperbole propaganda P.R. desperate cries for trusting in you once more!

You blew it!  You stated that “we” (the American voter/citizen) wanted the healthcare plan dubbed “Obamacare” by the citizenry of this great nation.  We said emphatically, “No we don’t!”  So you ram it down our throats anyway.  Now you say the “Public is ‘sold’ on tax increases. . .” and cuts in entitlements.   Again we say, “No we aren’t!!”   You said these are already a fact no matter what happens with the budget.

In the latest speeches about dealing with Boehner/Republicans, Obama said his only need for an agreement was legislation that provides the Treasury enough borrowing authority to tide the government over through the 2012 election.  Authority?  You mean Carte Blanche’.  And borrow how much?  One trillion dollars?  Ten?  Twenty?  That’s a piddling amount, right?  Why not make it fifty or even one-hundred trillion dollars!  That way there won’t be a man or woman in this country who could rub two coins together – or – stop the socialistic future you’re ramming down our throats once and for all!

Why?  Why isn’t it a “permanent” fix for balancing the budget once and for all?  Why just band-aid it till next year?  It’s time to fix our budget once and for all and then to keep it in balance.   Doesn’t matter if it takes five, ten or fifteen years, just do it already!  And will someone please take away Obama’s USA Credit Card!  We just can’t afford his (and his family’s) spending habits anymore.

Why does he only want it to tide over the government for one more year?  Because then he can start his new 2012 campaign with promises to balance our budget!!!  Either that or, he plans to become “dictator” by then and then can do pretty much as he wants with our economy!  Does the word “Socialism” come to mind?


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The Brits took notice and our media didn’t!

So why is it that the British took notice of this atrocity and yet our news media didn’t even mention it?  What, you might ask?  Well try this headline for an opener:  “Barack Obama’s decision to play golf on Memorial Day was disrespectful and hardly presidential”.  This headline was spotted at The Telegraph and the article goes on to tell us about how the Prez after laying a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknowns, also didn’t waste any time getting out to the course on that day either.  Funny thing is that neither incidence of his prioritizing his golf game over a very solemn and patriotic occasion to our nation was deemed newsworthy to this nation’s liberal news media. Now about the other sixty-eight times he taken off to play golf . . .!
