Archive for January, 2010

Woodstove burning how-to

After stepping outside to walk my dog earlier tonight, I proceeded to cough and hack for twenty minutes afterwards. Why is it most individuals don’t even know how to properly use their woodstoves before they go and have them installed in their homes?

So I decided to find some further information on how to accomplish this without smoking out your neighbors in the process and I ended up on this site located here. There is a multitude of good information found on their site. Be kind to your allergy sensitive neighbors, like me! Be sure to check it out.


Long-life light bulbs

I had a previous customer of mine ask me this: If “long-life” bulbs are such a great thing, shouldn’t I use them throughout my house?” The short, quick answer is No! Now for a little more explanation for those that would like to know why not. First let’s define what the typical “long-life” light bulb actually is. It is a standard incandescent light bulb found in the more common A-19 configuration and typically found in the average home but with one difference. Instead of being designed and constructed to operate on 120 Volts of Alternating Current (V.A.C. or VAC), they are designed and built to operate at a slightly higher level of 130 V.A.C..

Why? Because by operating a light bulb designed for 130 VAC at the lower 120 VAC, you aren’t constantly pushing it to its maximum load limits thereby prolonging the overall service life of the light bulb. While doing this sounds great at first glance, why not make all of them “long-life” bulbs? Because it also presents us with a disadvantage in the process. In using these 130 volt light bulbs at the lower voltage, the actual light or lumens put out by the bulb will be less than a comparable wattage 120 volt light bulb while using the same amount of power in each.

So bottom line, you will get longer life but less light output in a 130 volt light bulb than the same wattage in a 120 volt light bulb. What this means is this, as recommended by Phillips Westinghouse, General Electric and Sylvania; use the 130 VAC light bulbs in light fixtures that are hard to access. Such as high elevation fixtures found in entry and high ceilinged rooms and the like, where it is difficult to get to them to remove and replace frequently. If it can be reached and therefore changed readily, stay with the lower 120 VAC light bulbs. As you might as well get all the lumens from the electricity that you are paying for and get the full amount of lumens for the wattage used.


About refridgerators

As follow up to a comment I placed at Julie Warner’s site, found here: Kitchen and Home Appliance Blog, I’ve decided to show the original posting as well as all the follow up comments by linking to her posting. Here it is:  Be sure to check it out as she has some sage advice for all.


Water heater temperature?

Q.: What temperature should the water heater be set at in a typical home that would allow for disinfecting dishes (in the dishwasher).
A.: You can’t get the water hot enough to disinfect the dishes in a home environment unless you are boiling the dishwater on the stove. To disinfect dishes requires a water temperature of at least 180 degrees Fahrenheit and the typical residential water heater’s maximum output is in the neighborhood of 140-145 degrees. Even if you did operate your water heater at this temperature, it would burn out in as little as three months, maybe even less. Besides, running your water heater at this temp will also void any warrantees you may have on it also. To run at the 180 degrees that you need to disinfect, only commercial-rated water heaters will do this without burning them up in the process. These will typically be found in businesses like restaurants and such. And don’t even think about it, they are way too pricey for home use. By the way, the normal operating temperature setting in a residential water heater is around 120 degrees Fahrenheit on one and two element water heaters, and it’s the dish soap that disinfects the dishes in your home, not the hot water. And while we are at it, there is no such thing as a “hot-water-heater”! Why would you need to heat “hot-water”? The proper name for it is a “water-heater”.


Homely women?

Got into a conversation with my wife and we both agree on one same point, regarding these women:

  • Drew Barrymore
  • Julia Roberts
  • Oprah Winfrey
  • Tori Spelling
  • Kathy Griffin
  • Mare Winningham

I don’t care about the hype, the multiple bottles of hair dye or the fact that they use enough makeup to keep Maybelline,  Max Factor and Revlon all in business for the next hundred years.  The whole truth of the matter is these women have to be four of this country’s most homeliest women!  Granted with all of that “crap” on them they might appear almost attractive, but they definitely are not even remotely close to being beautiful!  Enough said.   Updated: added names!


Anyone else?

Involved in miniatures that is!  I’ve made everything from bedspreads to books and fireplaces to furniture all in miniatures, but my favorite is building the dollhouses.  Preferably in 1:12 scale.  I have tried others but I ended up back in 1:12 every time.  It’s small enough for a miniature and still be large enough for my “short, fat fingers” to work with.  I’ve only done four houses and approximately fifteen pieces of furniture, but I do it for relaxation, not for speed.  Been at it for a few years now and it also helps me to keep some dexterity in my hands what with the diabetes and arthritis.  Anyone else into small, detailed work like miniatures?  Drop me a comment and let me know.
