Archive for February, 2012

Wyoming House advances doomsday bill

Wyoming House advances doomsday bill

CHEYENNE — State representatives on Friday advanced legislation to launch a study into what Wyoming should do in the event of a complete economic or political collapse in the United States.

House Bill 85 passed on first reading by a voice vote. It would create a state-run government continuity task force, which would study and prepare Wyoming for potential catastrophes, from disruptions in food and energy supplies to a complete meltdown of the federal government.

The task force would look at the feasibility of

Wyoming issuing its own alternative currency, if needed. And House members approved an amendment Friday by state Rep. Kermit Brown, R-Laramie, to have the task force also examine conditions under which Wyoming would need to implement its own military draft, raise a standing army, and acquire strike aircraft and an aircraft carrier.

Read more at the link here:

If you’ve read the first part of the above article, than like myself, you came to that last line about an aircraft carrier.  What?!!  An aircraft carrier in Wyoming?  Try telling Joe Public living there that they will have to increase his taxes to pay for it.  Think that is simple?

Then tell him about the other little charge.  The one charge required from him to also pay for . . .  you guessed it, a new inlet extending from Wyoming to the Pacific Ocean and the pier for it too!!!  God Almighty, please grant us some intelligence to pass on to our politicians, they need it so desperately!!


Pro-Pot Group Criticized Over Use of VFW Name & POW Flag

How many other brothers-in-arms were mad enough to spit nails? Weren’t it enough to p__s off the pope? Not only for devaluing the Veteran’s Of Foreign Wars Organization for what it has done for our Veterans, but for the earned respect for the POW-MIA Flag that many of our citizens show honor to daily.  To be treated as such!  Degraded just to promote drugs and there use. The article is from Military.Com and the first article HERE raised such a ruckus with the populace that they decided to back off a bit.  The second story from the same website tells us about that located HERE.  So what do you all think about this?
