Posts Tagged ‘administration’

Are you serious ref?

That’s what I said when I first saw this video.  Enough already people!!  A fifteen-yard penalty for gesturing to God!  The theophobia in this nation is getting to be extreme, at the least!  If it isn’t enough that the media and others berate us for prayer or for saying “Lord Almighty” outside our home, now they’ve even crept into our national sport! 

What is wrong with this nation can be much remedied with a little religion.  After all, that’s what this great nation was built on. Just because a certain liberal leader in the head office wants to turn us away from religion in pursuit of his socialistic ideals, doesn’t mean everyone has to kowtow to his beliefs!  Like it or not, I still pray!  And will until the day He calls for me!


I Am America

The nation is tiring of the present administration and its “King” as well as many of his cronies staff.  More people are thinking of voting out the incumbents this next election because of the “changes” we are getting.  Many are even leaning to the Republican way of thinking believing it can’t be any worse!  The conservatism slant is part of the Tea Party ideals.  Along comes this young woman with the name of Krista Branch.  She’s released a song, you guessed it, “I Am America” also about the Tea Party.  The lyrics are further below.  Enjoy!

“I Am America” lyrics:
Pay no attention to the people in the street
Crying out for accountability
Make a joke of what we believe
Say we don’t matter ’cause you disagree
Pretend you’re kings, sit on your throne
Look down your nose at the peasants below

I’ve got some news, we’re taking names
We’re waiting now for the judgment day

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

There is still work that must be done
I will not rest until we’ve won

I am America

You preach your tolerance, but lecture me
Is there no end to your own hypocrisy
Your god is power, you have no shame
Your only interest is political gain

You hide your eyes and refuse to listen
You play your games and abuse the system
You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I’ve got a feeling that the tide is turning

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America

You stuff your pockets while Rome is burning
I’ve got a feeling that the tide is turning

I am America, one voice, united we stand
I am America, one hope to heal our land

I will not give up on this fight
I will not fade into the light, I am America
