Posts Tagged ‘Tea Party’

Show your appreciation to the Veterans!

This is kind of last-minute as I’ve worked at helping our fellow Veterans and their families in need by way of collecting donations for Buddy Poppies at the local Fred Meyer.  I’ve done this for the last two weekends and on Veteran’s Day I will also be attending the Ceremony at the Veteran’s Gateway at the Washington Country Fairgrounds to further help my VFW Post #2666.  I hope many of you will be there to see the VFW Color Guard in action; it takes place again on November 11th at 11:00 AM.

For those of you unable to attend, but you’ll still be out and about, Give Thanks to all the Veterans you meet this day.  They will appreciate your thanks and support!  To those of you who plan on staying at home to watch the games, take a break at half-time and go out and Thank a few yourself!  The Veterans gave of themselves in time, lives and their health for you, it is the least you can do for them.

To my brothers in uniform, whether now or sometime in the past I can only say this to them all . . . THANK YOU, BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!  And you will always be in my thoughts forever for your sacrifice and love of country!

Bless All of You and may you be in His favor always.


Memorial Day Wish

Hi everyone, I’ve been rather busy around the house working on many projects including collecting donations for my local Veteran’s of Foreign Wars (VFW) Post in Hillsboro, Oregon by way of Poppies.  As one of many Veterans, I had to stop long enough to make this heartfelt wish.

To all my brother Veterans whether you are still active, retired or simply an honorably discharged Veteran like myself; I want to wish you my deepest thanks and blessings to all that have chosen to serve this country when she needed us the most.  And to those of our brothers who never returned, may you be at peace and may the good Lord watch over and keep you until once again we are all reunited by his side.

For this last group I must say this, that they indeed are what are called true heroes and as quoted from the Holy Bible:

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”  —John 15:13

Blessed be our warriors and heroes . . .


Obama Burning The Constitution

One Nation Under Socialism by Jon McNaughton

By Jon McNaughton

Can’t say it any simpler then that!  We got to get him out of office.  May God Bless America and protect her from him!


Obama, take the blame already!

As top dog for this country, as was before stated by a man holding your same office, he said: “The Buck Stops Here!”  Quit trying to pass the blame for anything and everything onto: Republicans, Tea Party, Libertarians, John Q. Public and anyone else that comes to your mind in hopes people will believe some of your B.S. hyperbole propaganda P.R. desperate cries for trusting in you once more!

You blew it!  You stated that “we” (the American voter/citizen) wanted the healthcare plan dubbed “Obamacare” by the citizenry of this great nation.  We said emphatically, “No we don’t!”  So you ram it down our throats anyway.  Now you say the “Public is ‘sold’ on tax increases. . .” and cuts in entitlements.   Again we say, “No we aren’t!!”   You said these are already a fact no matter what happens with the budget.

In the latest speeches about dealing with Boehner/Republicans, Obama said his only need for an agreement was legislation that provides the Treasury enough borrowing authority to tide the government over through the 2012 election.  Authority?  You mean Carte Blanche’.  And borrow how much?  One trillion dollars?  Ten?  Twenty?  That’s a piddling amount, right?  Why not make it fifty or even one-hundred trillion dollars!  That way there won’t be a man or woman in this country who could rub two coins together – or – stop the socialistic future you’re ramming down our throats once and for all!

Why?  Why isn’t it a “permanent” fix for balancing the budget once and for all?  Why just band-aid it till next year?  It’s time to fix our budget once and for all and then to keep it in balance.   Doesn’t matter if it takes five, ten or fifteen years, just do it already!  And will someone please take away Obama’s USA Credit Card!  We just can’t afford his (and his family’s) spending habits anymore.

Why does he only want it to tide over the government for one more year?  Because then he can start his new 2012 campaign with promises to balance our budget!!!  Either that or, he plans to become “dictator” by then and then can do pretty much as he wants with our economy!  Does the word “Socialism” come to mind?


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Mourning in America

Thanks to a heads-up from Old NFO-Retired at “Nobody Asked Me” for this well done and touching video.  It is called “Mourning in America”, a video that should touch every American and can be found at his Nobody Asked Me blog or you can find it directly at youTube here.  Please go see it and then take a long, hard think about how you’re voting come November.  Thanks.



I spotted this article by Robert at “American and Proud” and like him, I too am very tired of the Libs using the Racist tag on anything or anyone that thinks differently than the Obama clan.  Robert opens with this line. . .  “So the Tea party is ‘Racist’ because we disagree with Obama…But the 95% of BLACK folks that voted FOR Obama BECAUSE he is BLACK are not RACIST…”.  Typical from a party where their motto should more accurately be, “Don’t do as I do, do as I say.”  Go ahead and check out this article on his blog here at American and


Are they really this ignorant?

I’m referring to this YouTube Video called: “Uninformed Protester Says Obama Is Not Raising Taxes“.  Is it just that some lazy protestors choose to repeat falsehoods they hear as fact or is it just because they are too stupid or unwilling to verify the facts in the first place? Maybe they want to spread falsehoods in the hopes that some others will accept their lies statements as fact, as in the recent notoriety of one Oregon school teacher’s website carrying out ongoing verbal (and since proven false) attacks against The Tea Party. The more irrational the times, the more irrational the people*.


* Quoted from Dennis C. Marsh